Alaska Court System Legal Resources

The law library offers free WestlawNext via law library computers in the following court locations:

Use WestlawNext to:

Available databases include:

Research Assistance: WestlawNext Reference Attorney hotline: 1-800-REF-ATTY

If you need assistance with WestlawNext, please email or contact the library staff.

Consumer Law (NCLC Digital Library)

NCLC Digital Library offers the online version of all 20 of the National Consumer Law Center's Consumer Rights Treatises, plus sample pleadings, practice aids, and primary sources.

Topics include:

NCLC Digital Library is available at all Law Library locations. Court staff may access NCLC Digital Library using any court computer.

NCLC Digital Library Research Tip


HeinOnline is an image-based database that contains hundreds of legal periodicals; federal materials such as the Congressional Record, the Federal Register, and the Statutes at Large; and state materials like session laws and subject compilations of state laws from all 50 states. All content consists of scanned images of the original printed editions. This allows you to view the content as it originally appeared in print complete with page numbers and pictures.

Most collections on HeinOnline provide coverage back to inception, which means you can find and search the entire run of most publications, though the most recent editions are sometimes unavailable due to licensing restrictions.

HeinOnline is available at all Law Library locations. Court staff may access HeinOnline using any court computer.

If you need assistance with HeinOnline, please email or contact the library staff.

Lexis Digital Library eBooks

Lexis Digital Library eBooks are available to registered users of the Law Library and at public PCs at all Law Library locations.

See the eBooks research tip for more information.

Not a registered user? Please email or contact the library staff.

Nolo Self-Help eBooks

The Legal Information Reference Center provides online access to full-text legal reference books published by Nolo Press, and thousands of legal forms.

Nolo Self-Help Books are available at all Law Library locations. Court staff may access Nolo Self-Help Books using any court computer.

If you need assistance, please email or contact the library staff.

Nutshells & Hornbooks

West Academic Reference Collection provides the online access to hundreds of digital Nutshell Series and Hornbook Series titles. These books cover a wide variety of subjects, and are a great place to start if you need an overview of an area of law you're not familiar with.

Nutshells & Hornbooks are digitally available at all Law Library locations. Court staff may access Nutshells & Hornbooks using any court computer.

Online Tax Resources

Tax Research - available at all Law Library locations: CCH Intelliconnect

Court staff may access the CCH Intelliconnect using any court computer.

If you need assistance, please email or contact the library staff.

Wolters Kluwer/Aspen (VitaLaw)

Wolters Kluwer/Aspen (Vitalaw) - available at all Law Library locations

Wolters Kluwer/Aspen (Vitalaw) provides access to in-depth knowledge and expertise. Contents include deep, rich, analytical content and explanations; curated primary source (laws, regulations, and cases) with history lines and notes; a variety of Wolters Kluwer/CCH and Aspen Publishers titles; and practical tools, news, webinars, white papers, and blogs. For CCH Tax information, please use the Intelliconnect link--Tax Research Network (CCH Intelliconnect)–above.

Court staff may access VitaLaw using any court computer.

International Legal Resources

Journals & Periodicals