Management decision making : spreadsheet modeling, analysis, and application

System requirements: PC with Pentium microprocessor; 32 MB RAM (minimum); VGA or SVGA graphics card or compatible video graphics adapter and monitor; 16 MB free hard disk space (minimum); Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 or later; Excel 95 or later

1. The science of managerial decision making. -- pt. I. Decision making using deterministic models. 2. Introduction to linear programming models. 3. Developing model formulation skills. 4. More advanced linear decision problems. 5. Output analysis I: small changes. 6. Output analysis II: large changes. 7. Integer linear programs. -- pt. II. Decision making under uncertainty. 8. Introduction to probability models. 9. Decision making under uncertainty. 10. Decision trees. 11. Management of congested service systems. 12. Monte Carlo simulation

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