Advising for Math Majors and Minors
Working closely with faculty and departmental advisors is the best way to stay on track for graduation.
Faculty advisors
How faculty advisors can help
- Course selection and planning
- Registration
- Major requirements, including math specializations
- Resources on campus to help you succeed
- Preparation for math grad school
Note: Faculty advisors are only available for appointments during Fall and Spring semesters. They're unavailable during Winter Break and Summer session.
- No subplan and all specializations except Actuarial Science: Hannah Burson, Arnab Sen, or Dmitriy Bilyk
- University Honors Math Advisor: Dmitriy Bilyk
Actuarial Science advisor (Doreen Vescelius)
How the Actuarial Science advisor can help
- Advising related to the actuarial science specialization
- Undergraduate advising related to finance
- Preparation for graduate work in finance
- BA Math major declaration with the actuarial science specialization
Appointment slots indicate whether an appointment is available for meeting virtually or in-person.
Departmental advisor (Kate Lewis)
How the departmental advisor can help
- Assisting with the same items as faculty advisors
- APAS questions
- Addition or removal of a Math specialization
- Academic policy questions
- Math minor declaration
- BA Math major declaration (all except actuarial science specialization)
- Probation review (CSE math majors)
- Transfer student orientation
Some appointment slots are virtual only, while others are either virtual or in-person.
Kate is available year-round for appointments and via email (
Scheduling: What to keep in mind
- We encourage scheduling appointments in advance because slots fill quickly, especially during peak times of the semester.
- Same-day appointments are not available.
How to prepare for your appointment
- Look at your four-year plan and make a tentative list of courses for next semester.
- Review your APAS report and note any questions about graduation requirements.
- Consider how classes are going and how you're managing campus life.
- Reflect on your experiences with returning to campus:
- How has the shift affected your time management?
- What is the state of your mental health?
- What additional tools or resources do you need for success in this environment?
CSE Math majors have a DS hold on their record
- This ensures students are seen for advising and course planning at least once per academic year.
- The DS hold is advanced, not removed, based on course planning.
- Pay close attention to the effective term associated with the DS hold.
You don’t need an advisor meeting to
Math faculty advisors
For all specializations except Actuarial Science, or no specialization
Meeting mostly virtually
Actuarial Science advisor
Meeting both virtually and in-person
Departmental advisor
Meeting both virtually and in-person
School of Mathematics
127 Vincent Hall 206 Church St. SE Minneapolis, MN 55455
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