1 An Introduction to Business Statistics -- 2 Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Methods -- 3 Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods -- 4 Probability -- 5 Discrete Random Variables -- 6 Continuous Random Variables -- 7 Sampling and Sampling Distributions -- 8 Confidence Intervals -- 9 Hypothesis Testing -- 10 Statistical Inferences Based on Two Samples -- 11 Experimental Design and Analysis of Variance -- 12 Chi-Square Tests -- 13 Simple Linear Regression Analysis -- 14 Multiple Regression and Model Building -- Appendix A Statistical Tables -- Answers to Most Odd-Numbered Exercises -- On the Website: 15 Process Improvement Using Control Charts -- Appendix B Properties of the Mean and the Variance of a Random Variable and the Co-variance -- Appendix C Derivatives of the Mean and Variance of x and p -- Appendix D Confidence Intervals for Parameters of Finite Populations -- Appendix E Logistic Regression
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